Lets bake chocolate chip cookies .......

If baking is your addiction, you would most definitely find it really hard not to bake when you have time. But then there are days when you have tough schedule and it’s hard to take out time to try different recipes. If such is the case, then what shall be done?
If you are thinking that during those days one should drop the idea of baking, then my friend you are wrong. People who are baking addicts can definitely relate to this as it’s just like any other addiction that won’t let them be at ease. If you don’t bake for sometime, you would definitely feel sad or at least start missing something in your life. During such times, what I do is I try those recipes which require less time, energy and above all ingredients. I am talking about baking chocolate chip cookies. I am going to share this amazingly delicious recipe of chocolate chip cookies for all bake-o-holics. Its quick and easy. Here is how it goes:

• In a bowl, mix together dry ingredients ; 2 cups of flour, ½ teaspoon salt, and 2 teaspoons of baking powder.

• In a separate bowl, beat together 1 cup butter, 1cup brown sugar and ½ cup white sugar together until fluffy.

• Add 2 eggs and 1 teaspoon vanilla flavor in the sugar mixture and beat well.

• Combine both the mixtures (flavored and dry ingredients) and beat for another couple of minutes or until mixed well.

• Add ½ cup semi sweeten chocolate chip into the batter.

• With the help of wooden spoon put these batters into the cookie try and bake for 12 -15 minutes at 175 degree C.

• Cool for 5 minutes before removing from the tray.

Here are the wonderful chocolate chip cookies. Whenever I bake them, my kitchen gets filled with yummiest aroma which is hard to resist. This much batter will make 1 dozen large cookies and if you decrease the size you can increase them in number. Have fun and do try this recipe of chocolate chip cookies.

Happy baking .

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