Baking chocolate cake with love....

Thanks to the internet, world has become a global village. People from various places are communicating with each other with the help of one simple click. Before this technology was introduced, it was pretty much hard to connect with people outside your city in the shortest possible time. Since the day internet entered our lives it became much easier for us to spread our connection. Look at yourself, you are a total stranger to me but still you are not just reading this blog but we are also going to share this wonderful recipe of heavenly delicious chocolate cake with each other. Isn’t it? ;)

Online social networking made everything so easier and less expensive as well. All you need to do is to log in and the whole world is in front of you. Thanks to these wonderful social networking sites, I came across a wonderful person, who is not only an online friend or teacher but also a reason for me to bake. I belong to that part of the world where baking extravagant are limited. Most of the time, the baking supplies either are not available or they are far too expensive. Regardless of this, I loved the work all these wonderful bakers across the world were doing. Playing with marzipan or fondant seemed so wonderful that someone like me felt deprived of. YouTube was full of tutorial videos regarding fondant techniques; they even explained how to make it at home. But unfortunately nothing helped. During this period of ‘baking chaos’, I got the chance to see wonderful work of SERIOUS CAKE. Yes I am talking about the same person whose videos are everywhere on YouTube. Best part about her work was that she always used butter cream and designed such lovely master pieces that there are not enough words for her brilliant work. Today’s recipe of chocolate cake is by serious cake. It is simple, its tasty and above all its moist and yummy.

You will need:

• 2 cups of sugar

• ¾ cup all flour

• ¾ cocoa powder

• ½ teaspoon baking powder

• ½ teaspoon baking soda

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 2 eggs

• 1 cup milk

• ½ cup vegetable oil

• 2 teaspoon vanilla

• 1 cup boiling water

Pre-heat oven at 350 degree F. Grease 2 pans of 8”. In a separate bowl mix all the dry ingredients while in second bowl mix all the wet ingredients except water. Do not stir these wet ingredients. Just put them together and add into dry ingredients slowly. Beat for 2 minutes on medium speed. In the end, add boiling water gradually into this mixture. Bake for about 25-30 minutes. Yummiest chocolate cake is ready for icing.

Jenal (serious cake) is no longer baking due to tendinitis. She is the finest self learnt baker I came across. She spread her love for baking in such a positive manner that today many others are learning the art of baking from her tutorial videos. Do try this wonderful recipe and please do not forget to pray for Jenal’s health. May she get well soon and restart baking soon. Amen.

Happy baking .

1 Response to "Baking chocolate cake with love...."

  1. Anonymous says:

    good read .

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