Interesting facts about cake size and serving (part1)

When you are into baking business one thing which you should have proper information about is sizes and servings. Like how much amount of confectionary will serve how much number of people?. This important information regarding sizes and quantity really helps in delivering order to your client.

One should know the right size of pans for accurate amount of cake. Here is the cake serving and size table which helped me a lot during my ‘baking life’. I am sure this will be helpful for you guys too. All of these measurements are tried and tested so feel free to use.

Pan size Number of servings
• 4” round 2 servings
• 7” round 6-8 servings
• 9” round 10-12 servings
• 8” x 4” rectangular 8-10 servings
• 11” x 8” oval 15-18 servings
• 8” x 8” square 8-10 servings
• 7” heart shape 8-10 servings

All these sizes are of double layer cakes. If you increase the layers, servings will automatically increase. These cake sizes are normally used by many but if the pans you have are slightly larger or smaller in measurements then bother not and just keep this in mind that these servings can vary according to the slice size.

Happy baking

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