
its really strange that how little things in life which u thought will never hit u again can bring back old memories . yes it is strange that while listening to an old song how things start coming back into your mind as if they were just waiting there to b rediscover. with each passing day romance of life starts decreasing .things start to look more distorted. and u start questioning your self was this is what u wanted in life .is this how u imagined your self during your prim years. i guess most of the people will agree that what ever they thought about them selves in their youth had nothing to do with their present life. things mostly do not turn out the way u plan. this is ironical. cuz in this way u r left with sad thoughts and disappointments . which make it difficult to live and enjoy the pleasures of your present life.

but question remains what is it that u want from life .what is it which can make u happy.i guess we do have the answer but r unable to say it loud cuz if done so many other things will go wrong and surrounded by so much wrong in life is not a good idea.

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