Chocolate cake for your graduation………
Someone once said life is a journey with unlimited mile stones in one’s life. At the beginning of life, you are young, full of energy with high hopes and dreams. Life is more like an adventure to you. High time of this adventure starts when any one graduate’s .Leaving college and entering into practical life is something huge. Such events should be celebrated in a way that they remain unforgettable to you throughout your life.
Few months back a very near and dear member of our family crossed this mile stone with flying colors. Party time was the only expression I had in my mind. When all the hard work pays off, celebrating it becomes an essential. That’s why I decided to make this lovely graduation cake for her. Although it took some real hard work to assemble it all together but finally, the graduation cake turned out too good.
So here’s what I did ………
• Mix together water, sour cream, unsalted butter, vanilla and eggs in large bowl and mix it well with the help of a beater.
• Mix together all the dry ingredients i.e flour, sugar, baking soda, salt and baking powder in another bowl and stare with a wooden spoon.
• Add these dry ingredients into the chocolate mixture and mix it on medium speed for about 3 minutes and then mix it little more for another 3 minutes on high speed.
• Bake this mixture for about 30-35 minutes in to two pans, one round and other square.
• For frosting, use ½ cup butter, 6 cups of confectioner’s sugar, ½ cup sour cream,6 table spoons of milk ,2 tea spoons vanilla extract and 1/8 tea spoon salt. By using the beater, give a creamy texture to this solution.
• In a separate bowl, melt a chocolate bar and spread it on a butter paper in square shape (same as size of square pan used for cake sponge) and let it cool down.
Now comes the interesting part of assembling the whole cake.
• Completely ice the round and square shape sponges with the help of frosting.
• After this, place that square chocolate bar which you must prepare beforehand as supporting plate over round sponge.
• For support, place the square frosted sponge over that chocolate plate.
• For the final touches, manage strips of different length to fix it over the top.
Your yummy graduation cake is all ready to be served for 12 -15 servings!
Happy baking
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