Chocolate cake for your graduation………

Someone once said life is a journey with unlimited mile stones in one’s life. At the beginning of life, you are young, full of energy with high hopes and dreams. Life is more like an adventure to you. High time of this adventure starts when any one graduate’s .Leaving college and entering into practical life is something huge. Such events should be celebrated in a way that they remain unforgettable to you throughout your life.

Little humor won’t kill your baking skills......

In my earlier post, I mentioned that I used to bake apple pie for a very dear friend. Today I am about to share this recipe with you guys but before that I have to share one interesting incident regarding apple pie. In my region people have special love for food. These people have a crazy craving for spicy food. They have huge menus full of greasy spicy dishes.

Lets stuff together chicken, sweet pea,carrots and potatos all in one pot.....

Hi every one!

Sorry for not being around for quite some time. As you all know world cup season is at full bloom which kept me a little busy as I was following the matches. But this does not mean that I did not bake during these days.

How can I be disloyal to baking?

Cakes, Candles and Balloons.

Today I am sharing my experience of baking a birthday cake for one year old. Now a days definition of well backed cake is quite different than those which I used to eat in my childhood. As when you are a kid birthdays are the most memorable event of your life.

Sweet taste of carrots with coffee

At my side of the world winters do not stay for much longer period. They come and go in no time. That is why we make sure that we make the best use of it. Winters bring along different flavors such as fogy mornings, winter rains, dry fruits, hot cup of coffee and carrots.

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