Sweet taste of carrots with coffee

 At my side of the world winters do not stay for much longer period. They come and go in no time. That is why we make sure that we make the best use of it. Winters bring along different flavors such as fogy mornings, winter rains, dry fruits, hot cup of coffee and carrots.

Cakeless world......

In any culture cakes represent happiness. Wedding, birthdays, anniversaries, baby showers, engagements even New Year’s, cakes are everywhere to celebrate the blissful moments with us. At times I think what if there were no cakes to celebrate? Hard to imagine, isn’t it?

Cakes, Candles and Balloons.

Today I am sharing my experience of baking a birthday cake for one year old. Now a days definition of well baked cake is quite different than those which I used to eat in my childhood. As when you are a kid birthdays are the most memorable event of your life. Whether it’s your birthday or someone else‘s, excitement while looking at a birthday cake is unforgettable. Although times have changed a lot but still whenever I go to a birthday party I get to see the same excitement among kids regarding cake. Vibrant colour icing attracts them so much that they want to get hold of the cake. My childhood memories are full of such moments. When you are young cake’s taste does not matter, all what matters is how beautiful and coolourful it looks.


Love for baking is just like any other love affair where you can’t stop yourself from thinking about the object of your affection. Every day is just like a new milestone in your relationship. You try different recipes; sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.

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